Finished theses from our group
Here you can download the theses from our group. Learn more about the finished projects by following the link on the right.
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Jeremy Ronald Binda, Generation and Reconstruction of OAM Light States Using Spatial Light Modulators, Bachelor thesis, 04/02/2025
Johanna Sophia Stein, Laser-based micro-sintering of 3D direct laser-written optomechanical resonators, Bachelor thesis, 29/01/2025
Chris Nowaczek, Creation and Optimization of Modulation Tranfer Spectroscopy Error Signals from the 5S to 6P Transition in Rubidium, Bachelor thesis, 29/01/2025
Clara Marie Witte, Phase-offset frequency stabilization of a diode laser for ytterbium quantum optics experiments, Bachelor thesis, 22/01/2025
Aylin Cansiz, Setting up a Rydberg excitation laser and stabilizing its frequency to an ultra-stable reference cavity, Bachelor thesis, 22/01/2025
Konrad Beck, Development of a DDS-FPGA based frequency source for quantum optics experiments, Bachelor thesis, 04/12/2024
Daniel Stachanow, Manufacturing Q-optimized polymer-based mechanical resonators for cavity optomechanics with 3D direct laser writing, Master thesis, 19/11/2024
Julia Gamper, Atom Preparation and Rydberg Excitation of Rubidium Atoms, Master thesis, 25/10/2024
Jan de Haan, Characterization of a 1D magic wavelength lattice for increasing the coherence time of Rydberg superatoms, Master thesis, 15/10/2024
Celina Kunert, Generation and Optimization of Laguerre-Gaussian Modes Using a Spatial Light Modulator: A Simulation Approach, Bachelor thesis, 02/09/2024
Matthias Metternich, Laser Frequency Stabilization to Optical and Atomic References, Bachelor thesis, 14/08/2024
Timo Bracht, Balanced Homodyne Interferometry for Quantum State Reconstruction, Bachelor thesis, 14/08/2024
Jana Blechmann, A fiber Fabry-Perot cavity for photothermal gas detection, Bachelor thesis, 07/08/2024
Max Reicherd, Characterization of a superconducting nanowire single photon detector, Bachelor thesis, 31/07/2024
Leon Sadowski, Design of a superconducting atom chip for interfacing Rydberg atoms with microwave resonators, Master thesis, 23/07/2024
Heinich von Stechow, Preparation of a diode laser for frequency stabilization to an ultra-low expansion cavity for Rydberg spectroscopy in Yb174, Bachelor thesis, 03/07/2024
Onno Smit, Numerical simulations of magneto-optical traps for Ytterbium atoms, Bachelor thesis, 07/05/2024
Hannah Buss, Refurbishing Interference Filter External Cavity Diode Lasers for Cold Atom Experiments, Bachelor thesis, 07/05/2024
Kimberly Kurzbach, Generation and Detection of Optical Beams with Orbital Angular Momentum using a Spatial Light Modulator, Bachelor thesis, 07/05/2024
Theresa Dewey, Stability and Sensitivity Limit of a Few-Photon Homodyne Interferometer for Yb Quantum Optics Experiments, Bachelor thesis, 03/04/2024
Johanna Popp, Construction and Preparation of an Experimental Setup for Excitation and Detection of Rydberg Atoms in a Cryogenic Environment, Master thesis, 02/04/2024
Bennet Sohn, Creation of Error Signals for Frequency-stabilizing a Grating Laser to Rubidium Transitions Using Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy, Bachelor thesis, 04/03/2024
Wayne Ströbel, Constructing a Homodyne Detector for 399nm Laser light, Bachelor thesis, 10/11/2023
Valerie Leu, A Glued Ultra-High Vacuum Cell Using Titanium and Fused Silica and a High Resolution Optical Setup for Ultracold Atom Experiments, Bachelor thesis, 04/10/2023
Samuel Germer, Frequency stabilization of a laser and a high resolution optical setup for excitation of ultracold Rydberg atoms, Bachelor thesis, 25/08/2023
Anthea Nitsch, Interferometer setup for detecting photon-number dependent phase shifts, Bachelor thesis, 02/08/2023
Jonas Cieslik, Rydberg physics of ytterbium atoms, Master thesis, 05/06/2023
Panagiota Kardala, Sub-Shot-Noise measurement of spatially anti-correlated SPDC photons in the momentum plane of a Type I BBO using an EMCCD in the Photon Counting Regime, Master thesis, 16/03/2023
Anna Speier, Heterodyne interferometer for detection of conditional single-photon phase shifts, Bachelor thesis, 16/02/2023
Valerie Mauth, Realization of a 87Rb magneto-optical trap, Bachelor thesis, 23/01/2023
Jasper Schwering, Konzentrationsmessungen in Flüssigkeiten mit faser-basierten Fabry-Pérot Resonatoren, Bachelor thesis, 25/08/2022
Florian Pausewang, Aufbau, Optimierung und Charakterisierung von frequenzstabilisierten Lasersystemen, Bachelor thesis, 24/08/2022
Jan de Haan, Holographic Generation of Arbitrary Intensity Patterns, Bachelor thesis, 20/08/2022
Florian Giefer, Towards a Double Tip Vacuum Fiber Microscope, Bachelor thesis, 07/08/2022
Simon Schroers, Raman-Seitenbandkühlung von Rubidiumatomen, Bachelor thesis, 03/08/2022
Nina Stiesdal, Collective atom-light interactions with Rydberg superatoms, PhD thesis, 28/02/2022
Julia Gamper, Frequenzstabilisierung zur Laserkühlung von Rubidium, Bachelor thesis, 17/02/2022
Jiachen Zhao, Construction of a new ultra-cold Ytterbium experiment for nonlinear quantum optics based on Rydberg atoms, Master thesis, 03/02/2022
Mogens From, Towards Rydberg quantum optics with ultra-cold Yb atoms, Master thesis, 18/06/2021
Mikkel Have Eriksen, Thermo- and Electro-Optical Nonlinearity in Atom-Plasmon Interactions, Master thesis, 18/06/2021
Mikkel Gaard Hansen, Precision Measurements in a Rydberg Quantum Optics Experiment, Master thesis, 11/06/2021
Aksel Nielsen, Design and Characterization of Probe and Control laser system for experiment with ultracold Ytterbium Rydberg atoms, Master thesis, 28/06/2019
Philipp Lunt, Design and Construction of a New Ultracold Ytterbium Experiment for Rydberg Physics, Master thesis, 15/01/2019
Nina Stiesdal, Intrinsic three photon correlations mediated by a single Rydberg Superatom, Master, 15/06/2018
Holger Ribergaard Heebøll, Review of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency using the Density Operator and Quantum Field Theory picture, Bachelor, 14/12/2017
Ivan Mirgorodskiy, Storage and propagation of Rydberg polaritons in a cold atomic medium, PhD thesis, 15/10/2017
Christoph Braun, Free-space Quantum Electrodynamics with a single Rydberg superatom, Master, 15/10/2017
Florian Christaller, Construction and setup of a 3rd generation Rydberg Quantum Optics experiment, Master, 15/10/2017
Christoph Tresp, Rydberg polaritons and Rydberg superatoms – novel tools for quantum nonlinear optics , PhD thesis, 15/02/2017
Hannes Gorniaczyk, Single photon transistor mediated by electrically tunable Rydberg-Rydberg interactions, PhD thesis, 15/12/2016
Marian Rockenhauser, A setup for heterodyne single-photon phase shift detection, Bachelor, 15/08/2016
Christian Zimmer, Single-photon gates mediated by single-blockade-sized Rydberg medium, Master, 15/05/2016
Christoph Braun, Implementation of a Raman Sideband Cooling for 87Rb, Bachelor, 15/10/2015
Thomas Dieterle, Characterization of a single ion detector in a Rydberg experiment, Bachelor, 15/10/2015
Johannes Schmidt, Generation of non-classical light using ultra-cold Rydberg ensembles, Master, 15/10/2014
Sebastian Weber, Excitonic energy transfer with long-range interactions, Bachelor, 15/09/2013
Fabian Böttcher, Detection of Few-Photon Pulses for a Rydberg Quantum Optics Experiment, Bachelor, 15/08/2013
Felix Engel, Entwicklung eines FPGA basierten Pulsgenerators mit Nanosekunden-Auflösung für schnelle Rydberg-Experimente, Bachelor, 15/08/2013
Christoph Tresp, A Setup for Highly Precise Excitation and Detection of Rydberg Atoms, Master, 15/10/2012
Robin Wanke, Design and setup of an intensity and polarization stabilization system for diode lasers Bachelor, 15/08/2012
Udo Hermann, A nanosecond-resolution computer control system for deterministic excitation of Rydberg superatoms, Bachelor, 15/07/2012
Wolfgang Voesch, Setup of a distributed feedback laser for a Rb magneto-optical trap, Bachelor, 15/07/2012